Revolutionizing RX Costs: ScriptCo Pharmacy’s B2B and Fulfillment Programs

In the landscape of healthcare and prescription medication, finding cost-effective solutions is paramount for businesses and organizations aiming to provide the best for their employees and members. At ScriptCo Pharmacy we have emerged as a beacon of innovation with our Business-to-Business (B2B) and Fulfillment Programs, designed to significantly reduce prescription costs while offering a seamless and efficient service.

ScriptCo’s B2B Program: A Cost-Saving Solution for Organizations


Our B2B program is tailor-made for entities looking to save money on prescription medications or to enhance their benefits package. This program is an excellent fit for:

  • Companies
  • Self-insured employers
  • Groups
  • Membership organizations

The essence of the program lies in its simplicity and cost-effectiveness. The B2B sponsor is required to pay a nominal per member per month fee, which is determined based on the submission of an eligibility file. To make the process as smooth as possible, we accept these files via SFTP, ensuring secure and efficient data transmission.

Moreover, the program offers flexibility regarding payment options for prescriptions. Corporate sponsors have the liberty to decide on if they wish to contribute a dollar amount towards each prescription. Additionally, there is an option for the B2B Sponsor to cover shipping costs, further alleviating the financial burden on employees or members.

On average we save self-insured employers $250 per year per person after the B2B Sponsor pays for all expenses.  We could tell you how great we are all day long, but we like to let math be the arbiter of truth. We will reprice your previous claim data to show you potential prescription spend savings!

ScriptCo’s Fulfillment Program: Streamlining Prescription Delivery

The Fulfillment Program is another facet of our innovative approach, allowing companies to leverage ScriptCo Pharmacy as their fulfillment partner through a straightforward API integration. Unlike the B2B program, the Fulfillment Program does not require a membership fee from Fulfillment Companies. Instead, the cost structure is transparent – the cost of the drugs plus a fulfillment and shipping fee.

An essential feature of this program is that the Fulfillment User, or the employee/member under the Fulfillment Company, incurs no expenses for their prescriptions from us. This program also enables the Fulfillment Company to control which prescriptions are dispensed by setting “approved prescriptions” for its “approved users,” ensuring that only approved medications are dispensed.

Seamless Implementation and Incredible User Experience

Both the B2B and Fulfillment Programs stand out not only for their cost-saving potential but also for their ease of implementation. We designed these programs to be straightforward, allowing for setup and deployment within a matter of hours. This swift and hassle-free process ensures that companies and their users can quickly benefit from the services without any cumbersome procedures.

What’s more, participants of these programs can expect an incredible user experience, a testament to which can be seen from our Google reviews. The high level of satisfaction among users speaks volumes about the efficiency, affordability, and reliability of ScriptCo Pharmacy’s services.

Interested in getting a re-price of your claim data done or want to learn more?

To speak to someone immediately: Call Zach Zeller @ 214-914-2971

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