PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5) – There’s a new cost-saving online prescription program here in Arizona.
“Low and behold, I am saving about $900 a year just on those two prescriptions, so it kind of blew me away,” Arizonan Janet Baker said.
She is one of many Arizonans subscribing and saving when it comes to their prescriptions. It’s through the Texas-based company ScriptCo. Arizona’s Family talked with company president Zach Zeller about what makes it so different from other mail-order pharmacies.
“We decided to make a non-traditional pivot and open a pharmacy that’s the first membership base wholesale pharmacy in America. And so the short and sweet of it is we charge a membership fee of $120 for 12 months or $45 for three months, and then you can access any generic medication at the actual wholesale cost,” he said.
Think of it like a Costco or Sam’s Club membership. With ScriptCo, patients get medication at the same cost the company pays. Arizona is one of only nine states where this program is offered.
“What we’re doing is we’re making all of our revenue from the membership, and we make zero dollars on the medications,” said company president Zach Zeller.
“What we’re doing is we’re making all of our revenue from the membership, and we make zero dollars on the medications, right, so when we buy a medication, you’re not paying a penny more than we bought it for per pill. You know, there’s no markup and, and we’re trying to just create transparency and access that’s the goal,” he said.
Patients can search for generic medicine on the pharmacy’s website to see what the cost savings are.
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